Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bright Future

Sorry I've been absent for so long. I've been a little bit sidetracked with all the moving arrangements, trying to sort through and get rid of all my stuff, and trying to find a place in Denver. Dora (my amazing, beautiful sister/best friend) called me out on it! 

Hehe, but we found a place!! It's a one bedroom apartment in a building with 9 units. It's a renovated house made into apartments. It's the back apartment and on the top floor so you have to walk up some stairs in the back to get to it. We have a porch too with a big tree in the backyard! I'm hoping to start my plant collection on the porch. :) We are doing a month to month lease so there is no lease if the place doesn't work out we can move! It's right downtown in Capitol Hill, Whole Foods 3 blocks away, liquor store 2 blocks, park 5 blocks... what more could you need in life?! 

Anyways, my thoughts have been indulged in trying to get rid of what I have. I am getting rid of 4 garbage bags filled with clothes... wayyyy to many haha. It feels so good to get rid of all this stuff.. to start over new. It is hard to let go of some of my things though. But its all material objects and no tears will be shed. I'm trying to be good with letting things go. We are flying into Denver so we have to carry on everything we are bringing and as I'm sure you already know, they are charging for baggage now so we have to really cut back on everything we are bringing. It will be exciting to start all over with everything. New furniture, new clothes, new books, just starting new.

To be honest with you, I'm getting so nervous! I've only been out west once to Seattle and before that Tennessee is the farthest out west I've ever been! I've lived in the south my entire life and I know there will be so many differences out west. Many people have said how beautiful it is in CO and tell me I will fit right in. I just can't wait to be near mountains again. They give me a feeling of comfort, home, a safe haven. Tranquility and mystery. I know the Rockies will be nothing like the Appalachian Mountains back home but I'm ready to venture and explore new territory. I feel this will be the most life changing and amazing adventurous experience that I will ever have... I am so just happy that Dill will be there to share it with me. Eleven<3

I tried taking some outfit photos today but didn't quite work out. Maybe one day I will come up the money for a nice camera. As for now I have to make due with my simple point-and-shoot digital. 

In the meantime, here are some outfits that have inspired me personally.

Makes me excited for all the thrift and vintage stores in Denver!

Also, I have a problem... I cannot stop listening to Bowerbirds! Their new cd "Upper Air" is absolutely breathtaking, inspirational, and puts me in this surreal state that's indescribable. Here is one of my favorite songs of theirs...
