Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fortunate Son - Cat Power

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


First off... Denver is going to be quite an adventure! Secondly... I'm going to take this blog in a whole different direction.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bright Future

Sorry I've been absent for so long. I've been a little bit sidetracked with all the moving arrangements, trying to sort through and get rid of all my stuff, and trying to find a place in Denver. Dora (my amazing, beautiful sister/best friend) called me out on it! 

Hehe, but we found a place!! It's a one bedroom apartment in a building with 9 units. It's a renovated house made into apartments. It's the back apartment and on the top floor so you have to walk up some stairs in the back to get to it. We have a porch too with a big tree in the backyard! I'm hoping to start my plant collection on the porch. :) We are doing a month to month lease so there is no lease if the place doesn't work out we can move! It's right downtown in Capitol Hill, Whole Foods 3 blocks away, liquor store 2 blocks, park 5 blocks... what more could you need in life?! 

Anyways, my thoughts have been indulged in trying to get rid of what I have. I am getting rid of 4 garbage bags filled with clothes... wayyyy to many haha. It feels so good to get rid of all this stuff.. to start over new. It is hard to let go of some of my things though. But its all material objects and no tears will be shed. I'm trying to be good with letting things go. We are flying into Denver so we have to carry on everything we are bringing and as I'm sure you already know, they are charging for baggage now so we have to really cut back on everything we are bringing. It will be exciting to start all over with everything. New furniture, new clothes, new books, just starting new.

To be honest with you, I'm getting so nervous! I've only been out west once to Seattle and before that Tennessee is the farthest out west I've ever been! I've lived in the south my entire life and I know there will be so many differences out west. Many people have said how beautiful it is in CO and tell me I will fit right in. I just can't wait to be near mountains again. They give me a feeling of comfort, home, a safe haven. Tranquility and mystery. I know the Rockies will be nothing like the Appalachian Mountains back home but I'm ready to venture and explore new territory. I feel this will be the most life changing and amazing adventurous experience that I will ever have... I am so just happy that Dill will be there to share it with me. Eleven<3

I tried taking some outfit photos today but didn't quite work out. Maybe one day I will come up the money for a nice camera. As for now I have to make due with my simple point-and-shoot digital. 

In the meantime, here are some outfits that have inspired me personally.

Makes me excited for all the thrift and vintage stores in Denver!

Also, I have a problem... I cannot stop listening to Bowerbirds! Their new cd "Upper Air" is absolutely breathtaking, inspirational, and puts me in this surreal state that's indescribable. Here is one of my favorite songs of theirs...


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I live in your trees amongst your fearless leaves

And yet another beautiful 70 degree day in Savannah!! Splendid! Did some etsy diggin' around yestserday and here are some lovlies I came across (most at a decent price!) If only I didn't have to save all my money right now.

Oh the love I have for each of these items... I just keep telling myself to be patient. Once in Denver I have lots of time and careful selecting for decorating our apartment. I'm so excited I can't even say! I've only been out west before once this past September when I went to Seattle to visit my brother and his girlfriend with Dillon and it was so unbelievably beautiful!! I'd never seen anything so mystical and foreign to me in my life. I love the atmosphere and energy there is out west and I can't wait to start a new stage of my life there with Dill. I felt so much more safe there, even though Seattle is a much bigger city than I do here in Savannah. It can be quite dangerous here, I've had several friend mugged at gunpoint and I've heard many stories about girls being molested and raped. :( I'm ready to live in a place where I feel safe walking around. Where I don't to have my mace in hand at every moment in time at night. I don't have a car so I do LOTS of walking and biking. Savannah is a great city to not have a car because everything is flat and so accessible but it can be a very dangerous alternative so I have to be on my guard at all times.

Anyways, I'm off to get ready and pack a lunch for another lovely day at the park with Dill, Paddie and Amanda!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sad Song, Last Dance

I CUT MY BANGS!! Pretty drastic. I really love it though. I think it shapes my face well and Dillon says it makes my eyes pop. :) Thought I should do something new for the big move out west and bangs hit the spot! Its my natural hair color at the moment (because of my constant state of broke) as well as blonde from the highlights I got last April... hahah. Maybe a hair color in the future to come? Or should I just let my natural color grow? I need opinions!

dress: hand-me-down from old roommate, Converse at Target $Free
necklace: Altered UO necklace $8
earrings: Honeypot in Asheville $Don't Remember
socks: vintage from momma's old friend $Free
brown oxfords: vintage $36

Wavin' to the big red chopper that was floating over my house.

I am a lover of jewelery, always have been! This was a zodiac necklace that I altered myself. I left the aqua gem, added the pink crystal and the silver feather. I love to alter my jewelry and am constantly changing the pieces I have.

I lost one of each of these pairs so I thought that they match enough to go together! I like mismatching jewelry (for example gold with silver, different earring that are alike, etc.) P.S. Yes, I have elf ears, heheh!

Beautiful agate ring I'm in love with that Momma gave me for my birthday last year. I love the little grapes and the pretty leaf. She has excellent taste in jewelry :)

So, this weekend has been absolutely beautiful here in Savannah. 65-70 and sunny this whole weekend! Perfect weather for a picnic in the park with Dill (since I'm only a half block away from the largest park in Savannah!) I made Falafel Wraps with organic lettuce, avacados, portabello mushrooms, and red onions on flat bread with ranch on top. It was surprisingly SO filling!! Brought some chai tea with us and some hummus that we didn't even get to because we were so full from the wraps. Who knew vegetarian dishes could be so filling! Dillon brought his dulcimer (the instrument I am playing) while he played his guitar. He is an AMAZING musician!

Dill's dulcimer!! It's got hearts on it! I told him it was meant for me to learn to play. It's much easier than the guitar and its hard to play anything that doesn't sound good. Heheh. It drones somewhat similar to the sitar (an instrument I use to play). 

I've actually fallen ill again, so I'm going to try and get some reading in and rest. xoxoxo

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Songs Were Pulled In Ribbons From the Window of the Car

Like I said, I'm a lover of all forms of art and music is definitely one of them! Recently I have discovered this band called Fruit Bats. Above is a video of one of their new singles from "The Ruminant Band" directed by The General Assembly. I totally recommend listening to the entire album on Youtube Flamingos by Fruit Bats. (Please ignore the first 5 seconds.) Hopefully my roommate and I will see them at the Harvest of Hope Music Festival in St. Augustine, FL on March 8th!


Currently Listening to:
Young Bride by Midlake

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow

I'm new to this, so bear with me! I've looked at a few others blogs, ones on art, photography, fashion, architecture, and music and it's inspired me to make my own! If anything for my own benefit, kind of as an interest journal. I want to be an art history major so I have a passion for all things artistic and visually stimulating. I decided this would be a good way for me to express myself with pictures, videos, music clips, and writings by merging my passion in art, photography, fashion, travel, cooking, and life. Hopefully this will inspire me to use my closet to its fullest extent, document my art, explore new artists and musicians, and use my creativity.

Here's a little background on me, I'm from Asheville, NC. I moved to Savannah, GA to go to SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) to get a degree in art history, had to drop out (due to the recession and lack of funds after my freshman year), met my amazing boyfriend Dillon 7 months ago who I love dearly, and now we are on our way to Denver at the end of March!
Anyways, enough about that, here is my outfit post for today. It was rainy and cool out today... we had snow here over the weekend!!! (Did I mention I live in southern Georgia?!) Didn't stick of course but it was quite magical. Gets me so excited to be around snow again.
I recently purchased this dress (that I'm wearing as a shirt) at UO. It was one of the first things you see when you walk in the door and I immediately fell in love with it. Of course it was way out of my price range so I continued to mozey on to the sales in the back. I found the same dress again but marked down to $24!!! There is a tiny rip along the seem in the back at the top which I knew would be an easy fix. It's a size small which is a size too small for me so I'll just wear it as a long shirt/tunic and for high waisted skirts. I also scored this jean jacket at Goodwill for $5 and a velvet black high waisted skirt for $3! And I only had 5 minutes before the store closed! I am master bargain speed shopper extraordinaire!!!!   

jacket - Goodwill (originally from Express) $6
shirt - UO $24
pants - UO $20
oxford boots - Civies $36
necklace - Natural Treasures (City Market, Savannah) $10
rings - gifts

Anyways, I'm off to the library with Dill! Have a lovely day :)