Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sad Song, Last Dance

I CUT MY BANGS!! Pretty drastic. I really love it though. I think it shapes my face well and Dillon says it makes my eyes pop. :) Thought I should do something new for the big move out west and bangs hit the spot! Its my natural hair color at the moment (because of my constant state of broke) as well as blonde from the highlights I got last April... hahah. Maybe a hair color in the future to come? Or should I just let my natural color grow? I need opinions!

dress: hand-me-down from old roommate, Converse at Target $Free
necklace: Altered UO necklace $8
earrings: Honeypot in Asheville $Don't Remember
socks: vintage from momma's old friend $Free
brown oxfords: vintage $36

Wavin' to the big red chopper that was floating over my house.

I am a lover of jewelery, always have been! This was a zodiac necklace that I altered myself. I left the aqua gem, added the pink crystal and the silver feather. I love to alter my jewelry and am constantly changing the pieces I have.

I lost one of each of these pairs so I thought that they match enough to go together! I like mismatching jewelry (for example gold with silver, different earring that are alike, etc.) P.S. Yes, I have elf ears, heheh!

Beautiful agate ring I'm in love with that Momma gave me for my birthday last year. I love the little grapes and the pretty leaf. She has excellent taste in jewelry :)

So, this weekend has been absolutely beautiful here in Savannah. 65-70 and sunny this whole weekend! Perfect weather for a picnic in the park with Dill (since I'm only a half block away from the largest park in Savannah!) I made Falafel Wraps with organic lettuce, avacados, portabello mushrooms, and red onions on flat bread with ranch on top. It was surprisingly SO filling!! Brought some chai tea with us and some hummus that we didn't even get to because we were so full from the wraps. Who knew vegetarian dishes could be so filling! Dillon brought his dulcimer (the instrument I am playing) while he played his guitar. He is an AMAZING musician!

Dill's dulcimer!! It's got hearts on it! I told him it was meant for me to learn to play. It's much easier than the guitar and its hard to play anything that doesn't sound good. Heheh. It drones somewhat similar to the sitar (an instrument I use to play). 

I've actually fallen ill again, so I'm going to try and get some reading in and rest. xoxoxo

0 loves: